Friday, 27 May 2016

5 problems home made face masks from only simple natural ingredients can solove

We all find ourselves reaching for those expensive and praised face masks and skin treatments ,but its good to know we can achive same and maybe even better results with few ingedients from our own kitchen - all natural,costs much less money and can not go wrong!

1. Deep clean pores - if you have problem with larger pores , and blemish because of them is more noticable,  this are some easy things you can use against them!

  1. - Put ice cubes on your skin for couple of minutes - this will not only refresh you but also tighten your skin
  2. - Wash your face regularly (not too often you dont want to dry your skin out )  , pores get bigger when they get full of dirt ,bacteria or oils wich also causes inflamation and annoying blemish appears. 
  3. - Baking Soda - maybe not the best option for those of you with highly sensitive skin,but if used with caution ... Mix baking soda and water and apply it on your face for 5 minutes (or less if you notice you skin is getting irritated by it) 
  4. - Rub a slice of lemon or pineapple on your skin 
  5. - Yoghurt contains lactic acid that will hellp you out against bacteria on your skin,bacteria that causes acne and therfore causes you to have bigger pores- just apply thin layer of plain yoghurt on your skin and keep it around 10 minutes on .

2. Overnight masks for healthy and bright skin - some say the masks that can be kept overnight are the most effective ones

  1. -  Tomato mask - take a small tomato,cut it in half and pour 2 tbs of milk in bowl - dip tomato slices in milk and then apply it all over your face. After first layer dries ,repeat process once gain.You can repeat same three times also but you can mix the tomato and mix and make a paste of it and then apply it on your face instead,keeping it like that over the night . Either way the next morning wash your face with nice cold water slowly....and thats that. It will hydrate your skin,shrink the pores, reduce dark spots and so on...
  2. - Lemon mask - is best option if you have problem with uneaven skin and dark spots. Take on tbs of lemon juice and mix it with alamond of coconut oil  - with cotton apply it all over your face - and thats that .
  3. - Yoghurt mask for tight skin -  As you can see in previous examples yoghurt and its acids are good for our skin - when mixed with honey its even better! Mix 1 tbs of yoghurt and 1 tbs of honey and apply it with cotton over your face,let it on overnight and wash your bright face in the morning.
  4. - Honey mask for moisturizing  -  Add 1 tbs of honey  in your 1 mashed tomato - mix it well and apply paste on your face - this will hellp reduce dark spot and regenerate your skin while you are sleeping!

3. Blackheads  no more -  with this two simple peel of masks you will easily get rid of those pesky blackheads,and in the same time reduce pores

  1. - Lemon and egg - this mask is for all skin types,but those of you with akne prone skin will be especially gratefull for it!  Beat the egg white while adding 1tbs of lemon juice in to the bowl - mix until it is well combined .  Apply the mix eavenly on your face with a toothbrush.   Take a napkin(tissue) and make holes on it for your eyes ,nose and mouth - place it over your face - apply another layer of mixture you made previously but this time over the tissue - keep the mask on for around 15-20 minutes.  Gently remove the mask and wash your face 
  2. - Strach and Milk- While you are cooking milk,add couple of spoons of Strach in  - mix it up and apply it on your face (the milk should not be hot but mild ) - keep it on untill it completly dries off - later gently peal it off . 

4. Masks for Firmer skin

  1. -Coffee and honey mask- mix equal amount of coffee and honey then apply it all over your face and keep it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face after.
  2. -Firming face and body polish - mix coffee with honey and sugar ,add some olive oil to the mix. Apply the mask on your skin or body while you are taking shower , rub it in the skin  in circular motion and after that wash it off.

5. Simple anti acne mask 
(disclaimer: should be used only twice a week and not recomended for those with sensitive skin - atleast reduce the amount)

In container pour 3 tbs of honey ,to it add 1 tbs of cinnamon and blend it together . The mix apply on your face and keep it on for 5 minutes afterwards wash your face with cold water - the skin might sting for couple of moments after you have applyed the mix on your face ,at all costs keep the mixture far away from the eyes !

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