Saturday, 28 May 2016

Natural ingredients against nail fungus

Its ugly,annoying and hard to get rid of - nail fungus or in medicine better known as Onychomycosis  - hard to write ,hard to pronounce i know - is a fungal infection of the nail that is one of the most common nail diseases out there . It can affect both nails and toenails ,toenail infection being most common due to the fact that our legs are most of the time in damp,dark envorment .

Can we treat it with natural engredients? Yes we can but you should also use what doctor prescribed you - that way the war against nail fungus  is ours def'O!

So what can we use against it?

  1. Apple vinegar and baking soda bath - Viniger is a traditional and old as time remedy against nail fungus and we all know how beneficial baking soda is . Fungus are ''afraid'' of acid,and baking soda .    On every 2 cups of water that you pour in basin(where you will put your legs)  you should pour 1 cup of viniger in  - make sure your toenails are soked completly in. Keep your feet in for 20 minutes after wich you should dry your feet fully . Empty the basin and clean it,then pour in more warm water ,add half of cup of baking soda to that water ,and then soak your feet in - make sure your toenails are completly in - keep them in for about 15-20 minutes.  You should repeat this couple of times a day.
  2. Regular vinegar bath - Pour water in basin and add regular ''white'' viniger - keep your feet in for about 20 minutes and then take them out - repeat process for atleast 15 days.
  3. Boric acid bath - The same as previous examples,mix boric acid with water and keep your feet in for 20 minutes.

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